Sunday, July 6, 2008

8 Days and counting down

A little more then a week and we will be on our way to London. Kind of chaotic and exciting. Seems my life is moving in as much chaos as the rally. I will be packing up my belongings and moving them into a storage facility next Friday which will mark the day of my homelessness. Some couch surfing will endure for the couple of days before I leave. Kevin has been picking up some supplies and he will also be fronting the shipping fees for the bug. As to our surprise, we have to put down more money on a car deposit for the race. Other then that, I received the wolverine storage unit and it seems super simple but very susceptible to the elements. I will need to keep it bagged up from the dust along with my 35mm camera. Still waiting for the rest of the gear to arrive. As for now, its crunch time for the donations and fund raising. Raising money is tough and I guess I don't really have a knack for it. Need more practice on that front.


jan said...

We are worried the check we sent went astray. if it did we will send another.
Paula Beatty and Jan Walker

Anonymous said...

Hey Jan, I received your check a while back. Thanks!!!! I keep sending redundant emails about our progress and donations. Might confuse some people. Sorry, but YES I did get your check and it was greatly appreciated.